    [ 2025-09-01
    [>=PROPERTY_DATE_2] => 2025-06-01


  • from 13.06.2025 to 15.06.2025


An industry conference for experts in the field of media, public relations and information technology, which was held in Vladivostok for the first time in 2014. At Mediasummit, participants discuss the most important issues faced by the regional media. These include: the development prospects for regional journalism, implementing innovations in media, the influence of social networks, opportunities for building a constructive dialogue with the authorities and business, the rules of journalistic ethics, and the outlook for the communications community.

Far Eastern Federal University Campus, Russky Island, Vladivostok
  • 27.06.2025


Youth Day is a celebration of Vladivostok’s young people. On this day, activists throughout the city hold fairs, lectures, an open library, the summer wit and humor competition cup, extreme competitions, quests, yoga classes, a cybersporting multi-discipline competition, dance master classes, bicycle excursions, and much more. The Dragon boat competitions are also a part of Youth Day. The large celebration ends with a rock concert from talented Vladivostok rock groups and the launch of a mass of illuminated balloons.

Sportivnaya Gavan waterfront, Vladivostok
  • from 01.07.2025 to 15.07.2025

Far Eastern scallop festival “On the ridge”

Scallops are among the most valuable ingredients of the Far Eastern cuisine. Everything in a scallop except for its stomach and shell is edible: scallop’s meat (often called [pjatа́k] in Russian, which means “penny”) is pure protein, and the mantle contains a huge amount of minerals. The first gastronomic festival “On the ridge” is devoted to this key Far Eastern seafood. Dozens of restaurants in Vladivostok, Khabarovsk, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk and Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky participate in the festival. All participating restaurants serve fresh Far Eastern scallops right from an aquarium. The organizer of the festival is Zuma restaurant.
Vladivostok restaurants
+7 423 2222-666
  • 02.07.2025

City Day

The city’s birthday is one of the largest and most beloved holidays in Vladivostok, celebrated July 2. On this day in 1860, the sailors of the military transport vessel Manchuria landed on the shores of the Zolotoy Rog Bay and founded a settlement. The celebrations in honor of this event last for about a week and include sailing regattas, exhibitions, street performances, contests, tours, pageants, and performances by popular musicians. The holiday always closes with the thunder of a dramatic fireworks display.

Central Square, Vladivostok
  • july 2025

Primorsky Kray Governor's Cup 2016 - Dragon Boat Races

This regatta, where more than 600 rowers from Primorye and China convene, has been held in Vladivostok annually for over 10 years. Registration is open not only to crews of professional athletes, but also to teams of schoolchildren, students, military personnel, labor groups, and diplomatic missions. Veterans of the sport compete together with young rowers, and for them a special class has been created, known as «Seniors." The Dragon Boat Races are always exciting, and therefore draw a large number of spectators. Over the years, this contest has become a large-scale sporting event that brings together people who love rowing, sports, and a healthy lifestyle.

Novik Bay, Russky Island, Vladivostok
  • 14.07.2025

Fisherman’s Day

Fisherman’s Day is celebrated annually on the second Sunday of July. This is one of the seaside city’s most important holidays, which Vladivostok’s residents commemorate since 1980. On this day, it is not just the professional fishermen who are celebrated, but also those for whom fishing is a sport, a hobby, a particular state of mind or a way to convene with nature. Traditionally, Fisherman’s Day is met with concerts, contests, and theatrical performances with the appearance of King Neptune and his retinue. And be sure to try the real fisherman’s fish soup cooked in a field oven on the waterfront at Sportivnaya Gavan.

Sportivnaya Naberezhnaya, Vladivostok
  • july 2025–august 2025


Twelve days. Over twenty performances and concerts. The annual festival, organized and patronized by the maestro Valery Gergiev, welcomes the stars of Mariinsky Theatre and the world stage: Japan, China, Taiwan, South Korea, Mongolia, Germany, Greece, Great Britain, USA, and Puerto Rico. Performances are held in the Big and Small halls of Primorskiy Mariinsky Theatre, the stage of Primorky Regional Philharmonic Society, the All-Russia Children’s Center “Ocean”, and at the Pacific Fleet Officers’ Club.
To learn more and buy tickets, head to the Mariinsky Theatre website.

Primorskiy Mariinsky Theatre
+7 423 200-15-15
  • 28.07.2025

Navy Day

Navy Day is celebrated on the last Sunday of July. The sailors of the Pacific Fleet are truly the pride of Vladivostok. The day is solemnly celebrated with parades of war ships in the waters of the Amur Bay, theatrical performances and colorful fireworks displays. On this day, veterans and Pacific Fleet sailors wear their military dress uniforms, and the citizens and guests of Vladivostok wear blue and white striped sailor shirts known as telnyashkas. The sounds of military marches fill the air from the Pacific Fleet Orchestra playing on Admiral Square. Navy Day is a favorite among Vladivostok residents, uniting several generations.

Pacific Fleet Marine Station, Vladivostok
  • august 2025

The HOLI Festival of colors

The Holi Festival is colorful summer festival that originated in Indian culture and has been beloved for several years by Vladivostok residents. Every year at the festival, thousands of people simultaneously sprinkle each other with bright, colorful powder while rhythmic music plays as a backdrop. It is impossible to stay clean at this event. Children, adolescents, and even adults take part in the fun. The colorful celebration is accompanied by performances by music groups, dance groups, flash mobs and contests. The festival ends with the launch of thousands of colorful balloons.

  • august 2025

The Admiral G.I. Nevelsky Cup

The Admiral G. I. Nevelsky Cup, a race on cruising yachts, is a very popular race among Primorye yachtsmen. Firstly, it is training for the crew before the upcoming Peter the Great Gulf Cup and the Russian Championship in Conrad 25 R class. Secondly, it is a great opportunity to spend a weekend away from the city enjoying the beautiful scenery of south Primorye. More than 400 yachtsmen participate in the yearly regatta, from Vladivostok, Nakhodka, Artyom, Slavyanka, and Khabarobsk. The contest is organized and conducted by Maritime State University.

+7 (423) 251-04-67
  • august 2025


The annual championship in Vladivostok attracts world-class «water bikers» to compete for a special trophy and the title of champion — «Russian Grand Prix». Within the framework of the championship, besides the professional race, an amateur-class competition will be held — open to all who love speed and have experience riding a jet ski. Children will also compete in races in boats with inflatable sides.
Spectators and visitors can always look forward to an interesting entertainment program. In addition, visitors will have an opportunity to go on water excursions by boat.

Vladivostok, Sports Quay
+7 (423) 251 7668
  • august 2025–september 2025


This is one of the biggest and most spectacular regattas on sailing yachts, which has taken place in the waters of Peter the Great Gulf since 1986. For over 10 years the Cup has had Russian Championship status in the Conrad 25 class. The competition consists of five races: Two run along the coast of Vladivostok in the Amur Bay. The other three routes are farther south and include the territory of the Maritime State Biosphere Reserve. Yachtsmen participate in the competition from cities of the Far East, Siberia, the Urals and central parts of the country. Many return year after year to once again travel through 500 miles of the Sea of Japan and admire the region’s extraordinary natural beauty.

+7 (423) 251-04-67

Come to Vladivostok!