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Chinese Cafes in Vladivostok

In this new era of globalization, it is not a surprise to find a Chinese restaurant around every corner. Vladivostok, however, is a very special place: "chifankas" (from the Chinese words "chī fàn", to eat) - little cafes and restaurants with affordable prices, funny Russian menus, and cheesy interiors - are very popular among Vladivostok residents for their authentic Chinese cuisine.

The menu prices are very reasonable. Although they did climb at the end of 2014 when the ruble dropped, the restaurant owners did their best to stay within their usual price range. The locals refer to the menu prices in a "chifanka" as an indicator of the market condition: "Look, a bowl of rice is 150 rubles now! Where is the world going to?"

The Chinese take on the Russian spelling of menu items is an endless source of inspiration for jokes not only in Vladivostok but all over the Russian Internet. On the other hand, the locals appreciate the effort that Chinese places make to integrate so that they can attract Russian customers. So the Vladivostok residents are rather comfortable ordering "Acid and chili thick soup" and "Stir-fried Wikipedia" at their favorite Chinese place.

The menu offers a wide selection of authentic Chinese dishes. However, some of the recipes are adapted for the Russian palate. For example, one can now find mayo and other ingredients not typically used in a Chinese kitchen.

Chinese cafes and restaurants are all around the city as well as near business and residential areas. But, true connoisseurs of Chinese cuisine prefer the low-key eateries that cater to Chinese workers. The personnel of such places can hardly speak Russian, prices are lower than anywhere else, and the cooks don’t alter their original recipes in order to suit European tastes.

Come to Vladivostok!

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