Bistro №8

No wine snobs

  • Photo: Anastasiya Levushkina
  • Text: Anastasiya Levushkina

"When it comes to wine, I advise people to throw all sorts of vintages on the table and buy a corkscrew. The best way to learn wine - drink it! ". These words of the French winemaker Alexis Lishin became the starting point for wine bar Bistro №8. Here, everything is subordinate to wine, of wine, about wine. If you ask, what grade is best suited to oysters, they will answer: "White." Wine snobbery and worship of brands are not welcome; guests are offered a choice of almost fifty vintages of red, pink and white wines, most of which are not found anywhere else in Vladivostok.

The wine list is updated every three months - Bistro №8 is always in search of something new – but the affordable pricing policy remains unchanged. The most inexpensive bottle cost only 600 rubles, and most of the wines are in the under-2000 ruble range. Winery representatives and sommeliers come from time to time to conduct tastings of wine varieties and gastronomic accompaniments.

However, the most important holiday for Bistro №8 is the November Beaujolais Nouveau Festival, when the whole world greets young wines from the new harvest.

By way of refreshments, they offer several types of cheese dishes, baked figs, dates, Parma ham, original burgers and sandwiches – and last but not least – live seafood directly from the aquarium. In this place, you might encounter a bevy of vivacious young women with glasses of prosecco and a dozen oysters on ice, or respectable theatergoers who decided to extend a pleasant evening and share their impressions after a performance at the drama theatre located nearby.

The atmosphere of the establishment can be called intoxicating in the direct sense of the word and even somewhat decadent - breakfast is served on weekends until 5 PM, and in this case, champagne for breakfast is not bad form in the least.

Our recommendations:
Oysters, 2 400 rubles (per dozen)
Salad with goat cheese and baked beetroot, 350 rubles
Cheese plate, 650 rubles
Baked figs, 300 rubles
Sandwich with mushrooms, 300 rubles
Lazo Str., 8
+7 (423) 292-98-80
mon-thu, Noon to Midnight; Fri and Sat, Noon Until 2AM

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